Sunday, September 28, 2008

i didn't see the ergs! today.

i'm grumpy.

laura hates erika, i don't know why, but she just keeps complaining about how she sucks and her hospitality is just a joke.
should i kill her?

i downloaded a lot of music today haha you faggots fuck the world woohooo 666 fuck the world again since i said it already.

cool hangout tonight maybe?
weirdos with dreads fucking bros playing drinking games dub you are a bro playing beer games just take some shots you pansy lol you are gai hahaha dub you always wear flannel and you smoke the worst black and milds cast mosh woohoo bro, i love you dub.

i only love a few people and dub happens to be one of them hah word love my friends laura doesn't count because she hates me oh man she does later guys.

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