this past weekend, i went to chicago.
laura and i left friday night around 7 PM, and got into the city around 9 AM the next morning.
We checked into the hotel and sat around, bullshitting for a few hours, before we could check in.
After we checked in, I took a quick nap, and then we took the bus to the show.
I grabbed a really shitty burger from this weird Greek place next to Wrigley Field, and ate about half of it before throwing it out.
After this completely unsatisfying meal, I walked over to the show.
The events that occurred there were fucking wild.
Saturday, I saw Soul Control, Ringworm, Underdog, Killing Time, Trial, and Disembodied.
Ringworm was fucking insane.
I love how fucking heavy and evil that band is.
Underdog was probably my favorite set of the day.
Everything sounds exactly like it did on Vanishing Point some 20 plus years ago.
Killing Time was fucking amazing.
Watching people beat the fuck out of each other ruled.
Trial's set was insane, and rivaled the Cro-mags set at United Blood.
People were going nuts, even though Trial fucked up like four times.
Disembodied set cannot be described.
Lots of people died.
i wasn't able to go to the second day, which resulted in missing Unbroken and Reach the Sky, which I will never stop kicking myself for not seeing.
Saturday night after the show, we rode the bus back to the hotel, and grabbed some food at this crazy two-story McDonalds with an escalator inside.
After eating, we went back to the hotel and crashed.
Sunday, we woke up around noon, and headed back to Richmond.
We got back around 3:45 this morning, and I just finished my exam for my Poli Econ class.
fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk the world.