Sunday, August 16, 2009

post-vacation, work

i got back from my various locations a week ago.
the rest of my trip was great.
it was neat to see some cool spots in chicago, and to check out the art institute.
it's nuts how big that place is.
the city of chicago as a whole is fucking awesome.
i'd love to move there after school or something.
the food is one thing that is a thousand times better there.
i got this italian combo sandwhich that was an italian sausage with a bunch of beef on top.

this thing was fucking great.
other than that, it was cool to see some family, and get some relaxation time away from this area.

i've been back about a week now, and have moved into my apartment off 42nd street.
it's neat to live here, and i'm getting used to just hanging around by myself.
i also got a job at machismo over near the mall, which has been awesome.

every day i work, i get a free burrito, so i'm super stoked on that.

it will be awesome and relieving to be making money again.

things are looking up, but i'm not stoked for school.
i'm rambling, blah blah, listen to pentagram.
they fucking rule.

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